Monday, January 13, 2014


I am 110 percent out of shape.

I am not just saying that because my self-esteem is low or I would like a compliment.  Nope.  Self-esteem is great.  I like how I look, I love the foods I eat, and I love love love Netflix.

However, none of that matters because my office is doing a fitness challenge.  While *optional,* it seems as though everyone is doing it so it becomes more of an obligation than an option.  Here's the perk: I get $100 for showing an effort, $250 for third place, $500 for second and if I win, I get ONE-THOUSAND DOLLARS.  I figure it is worth a shot.  Especially since the trainer who came in to measure our body fat percentages told me I have "room for improvement." *sigh* Thanks, CJ.

It actually works out though because it's like this whole new year, new you sort of thing.  Generally, I'm not one for resolutions.  Two years ago I resolved to eat a peach for the first time.  SPOILER ALERT: I did it.  Last year I resolved to learnt he lyrics of "Bennie and the Jets."  I am still working on that one.  Electric boobs?  Mole hair jude?  Whaaaat?

ANYWAY!  This year, though I made ZERO resolutions, I appear to be tackling some pretty popular resolutions among the masses without even setting out to do so.  Go me!  Let's take a look, shall we?

1. Fitness challenge! I am now eating better and exercising.  Yesterday, I did 70 squats and today I started T25.  I have lost two pounds in one week.  This one encompasses a lot since I'm watching calories, not having soda, cutting back on sweets and actually moving my ass (which hurts, by the way).  Sweating.  So much sweating.

2. Debt reduction/budgeting I have started Dave Ramsey's snowball debt program and kind of started to use the envelope method for paying for things.  Budget to the max!

3. Plan for retirement I am going to be 28 in one month and I have absolutely nothing saved for retirement.  UNTIL NOW.  I started a 401K this year.  How grown up of me! Though I still call it a Four-oh-wunk thanks to Phoebe on "Friends"

I actually I have one more in the works but I'm waiting to see how things pan out.  If it works out, I am going to be one busy, busy lady for the next 12 to 24 months.  EEK!

For, now I will continue eating my grapes for dessert and treating myself to some Downton Abbey after sweating a bunch earlier.
We hate planks! And pushups! And crunches!